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wont advance


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I am posting this for a buddy because I have been dragged into this project as well. So, we have an 87 corrola gt-s with a 20valve swap into it which is an engine originally designed for FWD. The dizzy ahs been removed else it would interfere with the firewall so were forced to use EDIS with the ms1 v2.2 system. I thought this would be a fun experience since i will be running edis soon on my Z but as the many months have gone by and the numerous re-wires to try and fix the problem I and my friend are at a loss. He has posted many times about the problem with the EDIS unit not advancing the timing on MSEFI.com and no one shas really been a big help because we have tried everyone of their suggestions to no avail. The program for MS even has a setting for EDIS so we just dont understand what is going on? WE have tested over five different modules about ten different vr sensors 3 coil packs and 15 re-wires, lol. I am ready to shoot this car and its not even mine! Has anyone out there ever had a similar problem or know naything that might steer us into a different direction we have already gone? peace.

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This sounds like one of two things.


One, check your configuration. Under Spark Settings, do you have Fixed Angle set to -10? If it's set anywhere else, Megasquirt will hold the timing steady.


The other possibility is that the SAW output isn't reaching the EDIS module, or is faulty.

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yep its set -10 and the saw or pip's are my suspicions also. By chance do you have any better pics of how the boards look when theyre setup for edis? Its hard to decipher from all the different sites out there if our is setup/configured exactly correct. I have seen the sites on MSefi but its just hard to decipher if we need to connect jumper wires to certain points on the board or what. I really think it has more to do with wiring and setup because this MS came from a another corrola running edis and it ran just fine. peace.

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Anyone have a good way of telling whether or not the ECU is seeing PIP or SAW? The ecu is able to tell us RPM's and whatnot in megatune but its still not advancing. Also, does anyone have any pics of their shielding for pip and saw as I think this might be a problem also. Thanks in advance guys. peace.

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If the ECU is getting an RPM, that should mean it's seeing the PIP signal perfectly. That also suggests that your input circuit is wired correctly. So it's time to test the output circuit and the configuration.


You can find the definitive EDIS wiring guide here:




Make sure you are using the V2.2 output wiring and sending the spark out the right connection on the DB37. Here are some things to check:


Which one is set to Spark A in MegaTune: FIdle or LED17?


Which pin on the DB37 connector goes to pin 3 on the EDIS module?


What is connected to jumpers X11, X12, X13, and X14? (You probably won't have all these connected).

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I had a similar problem. It ended up being a number of things including error messages I was getting when I started Megatune. I reloaded the latest firmware and Megatune versions, and the advance started working. If you are getting any error or warning messages when you start Megatune, fix them before try to tune anything:



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also, just because I never know for sure what code version people might use, there was the old error that required -9 to be entered instead of -10 (for fixed angle to cause the switch back to the table for spark values). But that was in the older MSnS_Extra versions like 021u or something.

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