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My daily driver died so I think it might have to become RWD........


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My daily driver 85 jetta is basically dead all around and falling apart altho it has basically NO Rust none that I can find under or around it (except the shock towers) all the door handles are broken off I have to crawl in through the back now the struts were bad so I put new ones in and the only spot on the car that had rust (that I can find) was the shock towers so now it rides right on the tires and is rough as hell to drive since they are still partialy atached then the window wiper motor died and I lost headlights drove it for about 2 weeks like that and today it finnaly died and refused to run. I was seriosuly choked since I was over an hour late from work having to take the train and walk


So......... I got this idea this morning on the train Iam going to swap a 2 wd 5 spd 92 blazer drive train into over the winter..Since I picked up the running blazer for free! Either that or the caddy 425 is going to go in it since I have a 10 bolt posi rear end here also Free, and I found mid 80s catalina (also free) to steal suspension stuff and any extra crap from.


What ya guys think of this? Ill have to take some pictures of it tomorow it doesnt look to bad at all just its a serious lemon.

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