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Trans-Am/LT1 Forums?


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Hope its ok to post requesting info on another forum..


I'm looking for a good forum with a good community based around Trans-Am's/Firebirds/F-Bodys in general, specificly the LT1 cars. Now, google.com can give me the links but I dont have experience with the poeple or community on these random forums and was just curious if we have any folks here who know of a good forum to poke around in.


I ask because I'm giving very serious thought to buying a Trans-Am in late february. Still looking at a number of cars, 1st gen DSM's being one of them, but for my 4k-ish budget the Trans-Ams are looking pretty stout. I posted about one a little while ago asking opinions and such and I've been talking to the guy, who is indeed a lunatic, but we may have come to an agreement price-wise on the car if he still has it in about 4-5 weeks, crazy as he is I like his car.. lol. I'd get it with about 1200 to spare, maybe a tad more, and if I sell my SHO around the same time I'll have something like 2600-2700$ total to put in to it.. Which will get me the ram air setup his doesnt have and either paint it or get me everything I need to 6 speed swap it, which I actually do remains to be seen. If my projected budget holds out at all remains to be seen, lol.


Anyway, just wondering, I need to do some research and such.

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