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Hey everyone,


My girlfriend's dad has a car shop in california, Autosports Exclusive.

anyways, his birthday is coming up and we're wondering if there's a really cool car book or poster that he'd like. i think he's more into old porsches and bmws. i've had some friends with nice car books but with mostly american cars

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If he's any kind of daddy, he loves his little girl a lot more than he loves any car. But if he's a car hound too, here's an idea: find an exotic car dealership. Grab the woman and a decent camera, or even better, a professional photographer. Have some pictures taken of his little girl (your big girl) in or around one of the exotic cars. Have the best shot blown up big and neatly framed. Be prepared to spend some money, possibly four figures but probably less. Try to have the picture tell a story of some kind that's meaningful to him - perhaps she can be holding a toy car he gave her as a little girl, something like that. Be creative, and mercilessly romantic. Also, unless you're *very* sure of your relationship with him, leave yourself out of the shot - he might think you're a great guy, but she's the one he'd walk through fire for.


Also, it's pretty cool you'd go to this much trouble to think up a good gift, no matter what you finally decide. Bravo.

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