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Polishing/Painting Konig's

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Hey guys, well I think I'm about ready to start on my Enkei wheels that I got from a family member for $50.00. I just moved into a home with a huge garage so it all starts....Here are the stats: 15x7's, the lip is polished with two or three curb rashes BUT the rashes did not distort the lip...I think I can fix them by sanding it down. The center mesh is gold (eeck) and will need to be stripped so I can paint it black. So here is my question. I have a bottle of Jasko paint remover that I was going to originally use on my turbo wheels so I could polish them. Now the polished lip is not that bad and they are a lot cleaner than my turbo wheels...I think all it needs is a little sanding to shine and the lip has to be rounded off. Soooo, would using Jasco pit the aluminum? Either way I have to sand the whole wheel down as I want it to look really good. What sanding papers should I start with as far as grit goes....and what grit sand paper should I use to lightly sand the lip down to clean up the edges. Lastly, should I use some type of primer on the mesh before I paint it black? If you guys could recommend the primer and the paint that would help me out. I want the flat black look. And lastly, could I use regular 1/2 painters tape to tape off the wheel or is there a different type of masking tape that I should use?


Obviously nothing can match the quality of powdercoating but as of right now my funds will not allow it so I’m going to have to put my own elbow grease to get these wheels on my Z. Anyway, thanks guys and any tip and help would be greatly appreciated. :D

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i would just wirewheel off the clear coat and scratch up the original finish a little bit, clean it up, using paint thinner liberally, primer with whatever ass primer, and use laquer paint to finish it off, youre going with black arent you? black is easiest to make look good, semi flat or maybe a glossy black?

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Guest Thurem

engine paint worked great on my bikewheels after i sandblasted them. Even if you are low on funds see if you can afford having them sandblasted, usually little dough compared to the pain in the neck of sanding prepping.


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