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F-Body fuel tank report!


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I just wanted to give a little report of how the 2001 F-body fuel tank I have in my Z performed this last weekend.


I attended a local Auto-X event that lasted both Sat and Sun.


Started out with about half a tank on Sat and did not refill for Sunday's laps so by the time the weekend was over I was running on fumes.

I never once experienced fuel starvation with this setup even during the last run which was my fastest of the entire weekend. The course setup favored HP vs handling but had a very tight set of elements at the beginning. There was one straight section where I glanced at the speedo and was running close to 75mph.

Based on the experience I had I would recommend the LS1 F-Body fuel tank swap to anyone running EFI that wants to race and not worry about fuel starvation problems.



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