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Anyone been to Nepal??


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A new friend of mine is leading an expidition to Nepal next year. The plan is to head to Katmandu, hike for a couple of weeks. After that run the Hillary Marathon. I have dreamed of going for quite sometime, and the opportunity is too good to pass up. I am the biggest nature freak, and the pictures even take my breath away. Any tips or places to see from anyone??


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Ive only been to Nigeria, going once school gets out again. It was a really a reality check going there and seeing how they live. It made me alot more grateful for what I have here.


My dad is really in to climbing and I think hes been wantign to climb katmandu, isnt it the highest peak in Africa?



Good thing about Nigeria Americans are worshiped, but there are a few that dont and it only takes one to kill someone.... HAVE FUN!!!

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My dad is really in to climbing and I think hes been wantign to climb katmandu, isnt it the highest peak in Africa?




Rofl!!,sorry katmandu is a place in nepal,which is in asia,not a mountain in africa.I think your thinking of kilimanjaro?

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I went there in 1986 and from what I have read the country seems to have gone downhill a lot (sorry) since then. There is a popular trek that leaves from Pokhara and follows the Khali Gantaki (sp?) gorge up to Muktinath and back. Lots of very scenic villages and interesting terrain changes from ~3k to 15k in elevation. Beautiful people. If you are there around Halloween there are some cool harvest festivals going on. I got drunk off my a$$ with some locals on some peach brandy in a town called Marpha. I think that may have also been where I contracted giardia :-(


If you go to the Everest region, try to fly into a place called Lukla. Wild bumpy grass airstrip that is something like 60m higher at one end of the runway than the other. You land uphill and take off downhill. Once you get to the high mountain region, Everest is just "another mountain" because the scenery is breathtaking. We were close to Base Camp but didn't bother going there because we were told there is really nothing special to see there (except a lot of trash left by climbers) that you don't already experience.


It was a great trip and one I will always remember.


Oh yeah, if you see any large turd pyramids, it was my brother :-)

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