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jegs 12 point semiwelded rollcage

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I need some help if anyone can... I crashed my Z a few months ago and i need to replace the front passenger framerail. along with bending back the sheetmetal and what have you, i recently bought a mig and i want to do a rollcage in my Z according to the jegs tech the 12 point semiwelded cage includes the front framerails. the jegs kit is setup to run the jegster front end but i will be desinging my own front suspension, my question is, will the jegs kit have the parts in it to fix my frame problem or do i still need to get framerails?. also what is the difference between the un welded and semiwelded jegs kit?

thanks for your time - Pete

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thanks , i did a search and came up with those too. after calling jegs and talking to a tech with a brain this time it was explained that the semi-welded kit is basically a whole frame and is massively extensive and time consuming. instead im going to make my own framerails and design my own semi-cage. a cage for a street car is a bad idea i guess because those overhead bars can do a number on your head even with padding in an accident so those are out. thanks for your time - Pete

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