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Need to replace front '73 240Z strut

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Some of you may remember me having some troubles getting a stuck strut cart. out of my front strut (I had a lot of fun trying to get it out :D ). Well, I was informed that a 240Z was at a junkyard and I could go and pull another strut off that one, because my original one was FUBAR from trying to get the cart out, plus the cart never came out :( . I went to the junkyard and it was sold, the junkyard was SOLD! The 240Z was crushed along with many, many other vehicles. Now, in Wisconsin, not a lot of these Z's are around anymore, junkyards or otherwise. So, I most likely will not find another 240Z just laying around for me to get a strut off of. I tried doing a search and really didn't come up with anything, but what years of Z's can I get another front strut from for my '73 240Z? I know that there are different sizes and different I.D. or was it O.D.? Anyways, I have coilovers bought for my 240Z already, waiting to get installed, but I need another strut to be able to finish the suspension. Can you guys help me out?



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I am probably going to a junkyard soon (california, land of relatively rust free datsuns) and if there's one in good shape available, i can snag it for you. Just cover me for cost of strut housing and shipping. What's your limit on $$$ to get this, i don't know prices for the junkyard off top of my head. also, which one do you need? (front left, etc)

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MikeS - I haven't had time to install anything yet. I've just been to busy with work lately (I build houses for a living). I was hoping to get around to it this weekend, but I need another strut. I like to get things all done at one time rather than little by little, so I'm going to wait untill I get another strut, that's just the way I am. When I finish, you are still more than welcome to check them out.


auxilary - I wasn't planning on spending any more than $50 on a new used one. I think I'll hold out for a little longer to see if I can find one around here first rather than paying for the strut AND shipping. I really appreciate the offer though, thanks man. Also, this is funny, I can't remember which side needs to be replaced :confused: DUH... crap, I'll have to go look malebitchslap.gif .


zank - Auto zone has them for $30???? Are you talking about the strut cartridge or the strut itself?


Thanks guys, the search continues, for a few more days...



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