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At wits end - wiring up electric mirrors...sounds simple...yah right...


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I am wiring up a pair of 280zx electric windows (with defroster) for my 240z. I am using a 1994 Maxima switch to control the mirrors. I have the defroster working (very easy).


Here is my problem. The wiring diagram from the FSM for the mirrors is incorrect as far as I can tell. The FSM shows TWO plugs with 2 wires each. However, upon opening my mirror up (after a couple hours of frustration) all the way to the mechanism, I found that the mirror has ONE motor and a wire wrapped coil with an arm that activates a clutch. There are a total of 6 wires for the mirror (2 for the defroster, 4 for the mirror controls).


Basically, the motor controls the mirror (left/right, up/down) by alternating the current. When electricity is applied to the coil and creates a magnetic field, the clutch engages and the motor controls the up/down adjustment of the mirror.


Here is the problem. The way that the mirror is wired up, all the wires carry current in both directions, depending on whether or not the mirror is adjusting left or right, up or down. However, the coil with the clutch only transmits current in ONE direction. It should only engage when the mirror is adjusting up/down.


I can not, for the life of me, figure out a way to engage the clutch while the mirror control switch is in the up/down position.


The the up/down wire and the left/right wire from the switch both tie into the same motor wire (as I wired it....I could be wrong here). The, for lack of a better term, generic power wire ties into the other motor wire.


I've gotten the up function to work, however, when I move left, the mirror moves up as well (since everything is tied together).


Can anyone shed some light on how I can get the coil to engage the clutch?

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Let me try... On A 80 280ZX power comes from the fuse box to the remote switch not the mirrors. This is 1 of 5 wires to the switch. 2 of 5 wires is a ground wire at the switch. 3 of 5 goes to the coil of the mirror for up/down function. 4 of 5 and 5 of 5 go to the mirror and are for l/r and pwr.

At the mirror are 4 wires. 1 of 4 is a ground wire from the coil at the mirror. 2 of 4 is a wire from the coil that goes to the switch for the up/down function. 3 of 4 and 4 of 4 are for l/r and pwr that go to the switch.



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Cozy, thanks for the help. Your wiring description is nearly identical to how I have mine wired.


After looking at the FSM again, I realized I was mistaking the coil symbol for the defroster. It makes sense now, however, I also looked more closely at the switch diagram after reading your description.


I've come to the conclusion that my switch will not work as I hoped. Your description and my review of the switch jumper diagram confirms it. The 280zx switch, when activating the up/down, ALSO activates the L/R (or motor). It jumpers all three together.


The 1994 Maxima switch does not jumper the up/down together with the L/R or motor. However, I have a work around. My switch contains the mirror defroster function. I can simply turn on the defroster to activate the coil, adjust my mirrors up/down, then turn it off. It is not as neat as having a stand alone control, but the smaller size, single switch to control two mirrors, etc. more than make up for it.


Thank you for the help.

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stab in the dark, are you positive that you havent switched the X and Y axis and rotated your switches 90 degrees, turning Up/Down into Left/Right? I can see where that might cause a problem, so I figured I would mention it in case it hasn't occurred to you.

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Daeron, thank you for the suggestion, but I am positive that I have not 'switched' the L/R and U/D controls. I can get the mirror to move L/R by moving the switch L/R.


I am almost 100% sure that the problem lies in the mirror/switch combo. The later cars used two motors; the 280zx used one motor and a coil/clutch combination. The switch for the 280zx jumpers three connections together when moving the mirror U/D; the Maxima switch does not, and only jumpers the correct wires to activate the second motor.

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