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Project 2008???

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Well I knew it was only a matter of time that I would get the urge to start a new project after seeing you guys go at it on this site. I was satisfied with just my track car, but noooo. Just bought a 1977 280Z with rust as the major problem but good engine and interior. Since I was wanting to do a cool body kit on a street car this seemed to fit the bill. And for 450.00 could not pass it up.


I know I cannot go 2yrs++++ on a project like some of you. It would drive me crazy. So I will be hard at it after Daytona Z fest is over and hope to have a cool street cruiser by the end of 2008.


As soon as I figure out how to post pics I will.

I know, I read the sticky but that is over my head for now.

I need an at home lesson before it sinks in..

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  • 2 months later...

Well after Daytona I was all fired up to get going on the next car. So up on blocks it went and then depression set in.


Alot more rust than I thought, especially rear quarters. Looks like a YZ rear kit with stock front and some type of front spoiler. I thought about the VW fenders but they wouldn't cover enough of the rust area I have to cut out.


And after seeing all the V8 cars come down from up north I would love that power plant.


Now I see how it takes multiple years to do some of these projects. Hope I can keep myself motivated enough so I don't give up and just sell it.

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  • 3 months later...

After pulling the front fenders, hood and starting on some rust repair to the rear I thought I would see if this thing even runs.


PO said he had it running in Nov 06 but lost radiator for some reason.


I put in a spare rad, checked all the fluids and plugs plus the fuel that was still in there. Put my battery out of my track car in.


5 seconds of cranking and it started right up. a little miss and the water pump was bad. Replaced the water pump with my spare and it was smooth sailing.


I believe I just doubled the value of the car by just getting it running.


Now finishing it and selling it to get my Triple Mikunis does not seem too far out of the question.



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  • 7 months later...

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