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Car fires up but will not idle


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As the title says, the car will fire up but will not stay running.

The setup is:


MSNSE 029v

V2.2 board

HEI 4pin module driving coil

12v to coil, with proper pull up resistors on module and distributor

n/a 280z basically stock (electrically) with turbo distributor and 240sx TB


Here is a screen capture of the datalog of what I am talking about: graph1.jpg


Hooked up a timing light and it looks like i'm getting consistant spark... I'm thinking it has something to do with the fueling...

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Have you tried adjusting your after-start enrichment?


i'd also play with the trigger angle settings; if you're way off the timing might be close enough to kick it over once, but when it starts adding in timing after start, the timing is too far out to keep the engine going.

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Take your HEI to NAPA and have it tested.


It is ridiculous how ESSENTIAL the HEI module has to be grounded well or it will cook. I had one die because the key was in the "ON" position and I unbolted it from its ground. When they die they give off spark for a little bit then just die off. Then eventually they don't do anything.



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I swapped out the HEI for a new one ($15 autozone) And it did the same thing, so I went to a VB921 setup, and I still have the same problem...


I don't think its the ignition anymore. :banghead:


I can hear the injectors firing at all times, so I guess the next thing to check would be fuel pressure.

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The car idles now.


The things that were changed were the injector constants, req fuel was too low, and i messed with some of the injector settings to get it to run right. VE bins at idle were too low as well.


now to get it DRIVING!



also I'm much happier with the VB921 coil driver. I'm having less random sparks after the engine shuts down.

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No way. I'm using the 83 turbo optical dizzy.


I have a spare for you if you are interested. Just get a shaft and you're in business... no more headaches. :)

Sep29th I'll be heading down to Galveston for a beach meet, If I don't make it your way before then I'll defn' hit you up at that time. I'll take that tranny off your hands too if ya still got it lol.

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