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rumbling at speed on freeway

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My 78 280Z-

At speed (~60 mph) on the freeway, I hear & feel something like rumbling. I was thinking that since the car was sitting for who knows how long before I got it, that the wheel bearings might be flattened? I will be replacing the rear tires in a month or so ($ flow is slow) so maybe the dried up tires are making the ride rougher. Front tires are new and the ride is nice w/ no crashing over RR tracks.

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Guest Anonymous

I don't think it'd be the tyres being dry.. My dad recently bought some wheels that came with some really nice yokohama tyres, but they were very dry feeling.. i thought he would've been a bit hesitant at putting them on but he did - and they were really great!


have you checked out things such as your exhaust maybe being a tiny bit loose? Maybe the combination of higher rpm along the freeway and that much momentum makes it rumble around a bit..


do you get similar rumblings when accelerating hard at all? or at any certain rev ranges?


or just that speed?


who knows - you might be right about the tyres (it being just the rear tyres in this case) but i think it might be something else

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Guest Anonymous

Driveline angularity perhaps? Its pretty common on hybrids, mine does it if your accelerating hard enough to vibrate things in the console pretty good. I'll fix it when I decide what I'm doing with the car and the rear end. Just an idea.





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Guest Anonymous

I will bet with Tim, and go on the tires. My experience with Datsun's is that they do not like out of round tires,uneven worn tires or out of balance tires. If the tires are a good brand, it is possible they may true up after a few hundred miles.

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Guest silverbullet

I would also bet on the tires being the problem, you already probably decided this but I would wait untill you get the new tires and then see what happens, I have seen more than a few cars with vibration/rumbling problems after sitting for extended periods, could it also maybe be rear wheel bearings? I just replaced mine about a year and a half ago, they both went bad at exactly the same time just like clockwork and I would say at speeds over maybe 20-30mph they sounded like a real low rumble/growl and I could just barely feel them.

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Guest Anonymous

Sometimes known as snowballittis in extreme cases it can take 12 years to complete :rolleyes:;) J/K Pete.. :D Of course his time shows on his car thats fo' sho'.






Ps: I should talk, I'm at over 2 years now and even though I'm driving mine, its so far from complete its not even funny, I just had a mild outbreak of snowballittis I guess that occassionaly flares up when I get some $$

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