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No spark.


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Car is a 72, engine is an 83 L28et. Installed per Moby's guide with 4-wire Hei.


MSnS_E v.021s with relay board, tuning with megatune 2.25. I'm getting rpm, response from all sensors including TPS. However, I'm not getting a spark. I'm ggetting 5 volts across W and G, but nothing across B and C on the HEI module, is this normal?


These are the settings I'm using, I think moby's .msq?






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  mobythevan said:
You also need 12 volts connected to the positive side of the coil. This 12 volts comes on when the key is turned to on or cranking to power the coil. The schematic in the sticky does not show this, but the written section about coil wiring mentions it.




You're the man, that's what I needed I guess. I've got spark, but still not starting. I pulled a spark plug and it was completely dry. I put the multimeter on one of the fuel injector connectors and it showed about 1 volt during cranking.

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I always like to listen to each injector with my cheap stethoscope to make sure they are clicking/working. Also, if you haven't done so yet make sure your timing is correct with a light ( I know it won't matter if your not getting gas, but you'll need to eventually). I'm not sure what else.

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  mario_82_ZXT said:
Something easily overlooked is the TPS.


If you wire it backwards the MS box goes into "flood clear" mode and doesn't squirt fuel.



The realtime display gives an accurate reading for my TPS, but I'll double check it tomorrow.


I checked for power with the key on and I get 12v before and after the resistor pack. Of course I checked the fuses... any other ideas?

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