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running low impedance injectors on high imped system


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can i just put some resistors inline to cut down the current before it hits the injectors (and goes back to the ecu)? from what i've been reading high impedance injectors are 12ohms, and my low's are 3, so if i got a 9ohm resistor before each one, the computer wouldnt tell a difference, but would the injectors still operate properly? the low imped injectors are supposed to have a faster response, would you lose that? would they still work? i saw a few products online called injector drivers that advertised to run low's as high's, and they were pretty expensive if all they are are resistors inline between the ecu/inj.

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if you go down a lil more than 1/2 way it talks about using resistors and has a calculator for how much resistance you will need based on your stock setup and your current inj's ... it's designed for use w/ the megasquirt but should apply to any low imped on a high imped circuit ...


i love answering my own questions ... i feel so proud ... now we'll see if it works

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