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Anyone In calgary need a welding table? (its FREE)


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I have a 2x4 foot welding table its a piece of 3/4" plate with legs welded on with leveling screws in the bottom. I have a mount on the side for a vice a place underneath to hang the cables and a tab welded on to put your ground clamp on. I put it on craigs list and was going to try and sell it but if a Z car guy needs Ill pass it on for free unless you wanna give me some money lol but no worries. Give me a shout 403-723-9411 If you want it bring a friend tho as we'll need atleast 3 of us to move it!


** removed from craigslist.






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Well If some one can use it its theirs! but I need to get it gone in the next 2 weeks as were moving back to BC and she doesnt want to pack it around anymore lol its already been all over bc and now to alberta so. Its time to part with it has served me well over the last couple years tho!

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Ok I had to pull this big bastard out side because of detoriating (spelling?) living conditions (neighbor is an extreme a-hole). So this thing is outside which wont hurt it but I want to see it go before some one has to spend some time taking the rust of it again.

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