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Interlock Relay location, 75 280Z?

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I am about to go testing and picking apart my electrical system, which is step two of the resurrection of my car. Step one was splicing in a fusible link block to replace the burnt wires, and I am fairly confident that I have achieved that with solid results. Now, whenever I have a battery connected to my car, the right turn signal is solid on, and the headlight circuit is fully energized and functional. Regardless of key position.


Obviously the ignition switch gets tested first, but practically EVERYTHING in the circuit seems to be intricately tied to the "interlock relay" and I cannot, for the life of me, find a location for this malfeasant unit in the @#$*@#ing book.


I want to eliminate this pesky, Nader-gratifying subsystem from the vehicle entirely, since I plan on relaying my starter function ANYhow, fully independent of the ignition switch other than for a starting signal.


Any help finding this box, and any insight into how one might go about removing it without simply installing an aftermarket wiring harness, would be appreciated. I have my wiring diagrams handy, and will almost certainly find a way to plow though it on my own.. but home re-engineering projects (especially of an electrical nature) are best approached with an abundance of knowledge, not a dearth.

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Well, my primary problems lie in the fuel pump circuit, but alot more is going to have to be addressed.. carnage throughout my wiring harness. Wondrous.


In any case, this entire sub-system should be properly engineered out of my vehicle while I am at it. I still know nothing about how it functions, so.. basically..


Bump! Nobody out there with an inkling of insight on this particular subsystem?

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My wire diagram shows that most of the stuff under the passenger seat was floor temp relay stuff for california cars. There is nothing under my passenger seat but homeless plugs from the wire harness, which are verified as being the terminals for the A/t-equipped seatbelt relay, and the water temp relay.


The switch that is allegedly in the engine bay is also non existent.


This is one of the reasons I am having difficulty locating any of this stuff; I am sure half of it is already disabled or gone, it was just done in a poor manner. My fuel pump has run on an auxiliary wire, run originally by a PO, live with accessories or on. The stock fuel pump wire, somehow got shorted out, and caused complete havoc, utter meltdown throughout the wiring harness.


I need to track down this system completely and evaluate what needs to get plugged where to SAFELY and properly eliminate it from the vehicle; something the PO tried to do. Unfortuantely, the POs work was neither quick at his job, nor patient and careful.... Most of the stuff he did was half-fast.

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