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cryogenic treatment


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Just picked up a hot rodding mag today, An artical mentions the advantages of cryogenicly treating parts. items such as axels, heads,blocks.What about the stub axels and u-joints that seem to be the weak link on our v8 z's . Any opinions? This is the best site bar none. Thanks guys. icon_razz.gif

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I've got mixed eelings on this treatment but some racers swear by it and I'm no rocket scientist so I'll take their word for it. Guys that have done rotors report VERY reduced wear (shrug). Same with the vibration treatments, seems like voodoo to me but it supposedly works!


Anyway, if I was going to do anything it would be the stubs. Forget the U's and go CVs. I'm noticing some clunks in my rear and I KNOW it's the U's lashing a little bit. When I swap to CVs (soon!) I expect lot's of the lashing to go away and it'll be stronger. I'm not worried about breaking the CVs but I AM worried about shearing the stubs.

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Guest Anonymous

Yeah I've read a bit about it on one website where a guy with a turbo volvo was blowing rearends like they were free. I guess he finally had the gears cryto-treated and he hasn't broken one since. *shrug* Seems logical to me, I'm sure it does some sort of modification of the metals molecular structure, maybe reducing potential stress area's? I donno, but I'd have no problem believing some BS like that. icon_smile.gif





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