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Clutch Problem


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Still having problems with Clutch. I have the Tilton 5/8" Master and T-5 Camaro Slave. Seems to be bleed properly, but not getting sufficient slave movement. How much travel do I need? I think I have about 3/4 of an inch movement now. Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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Mojo, for not putting this question in the drivetrain section like it should be, take this twak.gif and this malebitchslap.gif


Ok, now that the spanking is over, I think you may need a 1 inch master. Try doing a search in the drivetrain section on related subjects, and I think you'll find your answer. icon_smile.gif




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Oh, man, I'm sorry - you're going through the same thing I just went through a couple of weeks ago icon_eek.gif I had the 3/4 Howe MC and was informed that it was too small. Well, there's $54 down the drain... I got a 7/8 and it is great. Just plugged it in, put in new fluid, and worked out the bubbles. It didn't really even need to be bled, I just hooked it up and worked the clutch pedal and it quickly got hard. Now I have a great pedal and plenty of clutch fork movement. Anyone want to buy a barely-used 3/4 Howe MC? icon_razz.gif

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