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Fuel injector spacer?

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So, I'll start by saying (and if you've read any of my other posts, you already know), that I'm fairly new to both Z's, and engines in general, so I'm sorry off the bat if I offend with my lack of knowledge.


On to the issue - about two weeks ago, the hose connecting my #5 injector to my fuel rail blew out (I drove it like this for a whole day - gas everywhere, and scared for my life when i finally spotted it). I got it home, and parked it, switched to daily driving my Honda instead, and called some more mechanically inclined friends to help me out with it.


She sat until today, and when we started to take it off, we broke what i can only describe as a spacer between the old piece of hose, and the injector. It's diamond in shape, with three holes, the center (and larger one) for the injector to fit through, and two others on either side for screws.

So this thing cracked in half (old plastic i guess, and brittle too). So I went over to my spare motor (that was pulled from an 83 zx), and it has completely different ones on it. I'm guessing Datsun opted for longer pieces of hose, and smaller pieces of plastic. I could see how that could save money when you're making a hundred thousand of em.


So since I couldn't use the one off of my building motor, we looked at putting it back together - we glued it using "liquid nail", heated it to (hopefully) help spread and cure, and started installing it. It's just a spacer, so all we need it to do is hold right?


So everything is back together, fire up the engine, and no gas spewing everywhere. However, the car is idling pretty high, and it sounds like my exhaust leak, that i already had (from a bad gasket) is worse than it was two weeks ago, but whatever. Take it for a spin, and the car won't idle correctly, but is firing on all 6. A little more investigating, and now my number 5 has a massive vacuum leak, and the diamond piece is not staying together.


My questions are these: Is this thing not just a spacer? Does it put pressure on the o-rings or something? WTF is this thing called? I don't know of any junks in town i could go pull one off of, because it looks like Datsun made them diff. from year to year.


Any help would be appreciated (also with where to order one of these from - i haven't found it with black dragon yet).


On a side note, i got a 5 spd tranny today from (i believe) a 240, for a hundred bucks - what can i look for on the tranny to figure out what year it's from and what it's compatible with? ( my build motor from the ZX is an auto).

I know maybe it was dumb on my part to buy it w/out knowing, but I figured for $100 it was worth the risk.


Thanks in advance




P.s., i can take pictures if i didn't explain this well enough, but the part is (cracked) on the motor, so it'll be hard to differentiate w/out pulling it off - and I'm feeling lazy. - all this was after a failed motor swap on my neighbors 510 (donor from a 620), so I've been working/learning all day.

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It looks like what I'm talking about are the pieces you have sitting next to the screws on the bottom of your pic - however, i believe mine are the larger 1 piece plastic ones, cause mine done have the raised cylinders for the screws that you have. Mine are just thick, and those holes go all the way through, flush with both sides.



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You're an effing genius - I went back to look at pics from the junkyard and...

junkyard trip 006.jpg


And a better view of the number 4(or is it 3?) on the mani...




That's exactly why that thread exists - thanks for making look like a moron, but saving me time..


my own thread..




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