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pics of my new engine and the game of what wire goes where! lots of pics


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Hey everyone,

So heres the new powerplant for the 100 dollar Z.


Got it at pick a part, freshly rebuilt, pulled the head, 0.5 mm over, new flattops, bearings are spotless and so is the crankcase. Im guesstimating 10k miles based on valve, bore and bearing condition. Fresh N47 head and a good exedy clutch...All for 120 :D


Leakdown test gave less than 20% at 40psi in all cyls.


So, here it is after a toothbrush detail and a spray bomb rebuild. (no...that mini filter on the back of the intake isnt going to stay there...:P)






Ok, so now onto business.

Heres some engine bits I need help with.


First, the breather hole in the side of the block. Can I leave it open or plug it and use a PCV thru the valve cover?



Second the doohickey on the bottom of the throttle body. Can I plug the hole so it wont leak? Or should I take the functioning control of my other TB and put it on?



Third, does this piece go here, onto the big barb of the TB to the back of the air bypass?



Fourth, I swear I remember a return spring being there...the tb spring alone is way too light..



Fifth, is this too corroded to use? of could I just block it off and bypass the heater if I block of the other line too?



I took out the whole stock 1976 fuel injection to make room for a megasquirted turbo l28, but thats long past and I need to get her on the road.


I put the harness back in, but here are some pictures of things Im not quite sure where they go. Any and all help is GREATLY appreciated..Id like to get her on the road this weekend.


Is this the correct location for the FI power harness by the battery?



These plugs were on a mini-harness by the coil. that beige plug is where it connects to on the other end. What are these for?



Are these the water temp wires?



these were by the coil bracket



Thanks SO MUCH guys!

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