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Is there anyone that can help????

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I found a 73 240z for like a $1000 bucks....its all there but is not currently running. I just recently got engaged and we are expecting a baby next summer...I need someone to maybe help me in any way they can to get this car running. I could spend the $1000 on some junk car that works but I unfortunately had to give up a 76 280z last year and i dont want to let this one slip away too. What can I do?



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For starters "not currently running" is a pretty vague description that woulnt get any useful info. With your problems in mind the search feature is very helpful as most problems have been covered at least once, if not then a post describing your problems will do the trick. the better you describe them the more help you can get. (help us help you)


Also, unless your sure you have plenty of extra cash for the Z (babys and a wife get expensive) I would hold off for a bit for a better deal and a better time, 1k is to much for a car that dosent run.. but thats just my 2 cents.

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That car has been on the Phoenix craigslist for quite a long time. I personally wouldn't sink my whole budget into that car right off the bat, because it will still require a lot more attention than 1-2 thousand dollars is going to let you give it.


I say wait, see if you can budget some more money over time, then buy a running car in better shape.


My car was a little worse off when I bought it for $900 in North Phoenix, and I spent 10k over the next year just rebuilding the drivetrain, replacing broken parts and redoing the interior. There is a thread on these boards about just how much money people have spent on their cars too if you wanted some further reading.

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