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quick check list when ITS just not running correctly

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If you were local it would be easy to diagnose, but lets start with the basics


whats the COMPRESSION TEST reading for each cylinder?


HOW did you adjust the valves?


CAN you post detailed pictures of EACH spark plug?


whats your FUEL PRESSURE?(does it stay steady as the rpms build?)


HAVE you verified the throttle blades in the carb and linkage fully open?


is there water or crud in the gas or fuel filter?


how are the carb FLOATS SET?


what air filter SIZE and is it clean?






whats the VOLTAGE at the COIL?


AT WHAT rpm does the advance reach MAX advance?


WHAT is the exhaust back pressure reading? (IDLE and 4000rpm under load)


HOW did you determine true TDC or did you just assume the timing tab and damper are correct?


What color is the ignition spark?


what is YOUR OHMS reading on the plug wires?


whats your spark plug gap?




HAVE you REPLACED the cap and ROTOR?


ANY indication of a MISS or BOG?




have YOU verified EACH cylinder is firing?




HAVE you VERIFIED the LASH/PRELOAD on the rockers RECENTLY, and are you sure the cam is not worn?


are you SURE the trans fluid and rear differential are filled to the correct levels?


whats the engine temp after it warms up?


whats the trans fluid temp?

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locating those intake manifold or other vacuum leaks


yeah the way I find vacuum leaks on carb OR MPFI intake manifolds is clean and easy with no mess. get a propane torch,or you can use your oxy-acetolene welding torch if you have one, (DON,T TURN THE OXY tank/or valve ON)




(DONT LIGHT IT) just SLIGHTLY open the valve so its allowing gas to flow at a low voluum,start the engine and let it idle at the lowest speed you can then place the tip of the UNLIT torch at any suspected vacuum leak and listen for the rpms to increase and watch the tach, gas flowing into a vacuum leak will increase engine speed.

look for loose or missing vacuum hoses, cracked or broken power brake connections, emmisions system hoses that are loose, vacuum connections to the trans or ignition, loose connectors missing or loose bolts cracked hoses missing assessory connections etc.

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Exactly locating ,isolating, and defining the problems cause is usually a good deal of the process in removing or curing the problem.


my Brother,In LAW,

has complained for two weeks about the car missing sporadically, and its lack of power at times, I suggested he bring it by,

but hes too busy, so I suggested adding injector cleaner and replacing the spark plugs, fuel filter,air filter and doing an oil change and checking the ignition timing as a first step.

he calls me today all excited, says the car runs like NEW!

I asked a few questions.....my Brother,In LAW, admits spark plugs, fuel filter,air filter are all original equipment with well over 110K miles.......I just shake my head and try not to say something I might regret........#$$%^%^

sometimes your better off not knowing how other people treat thier cars

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