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Afterstart Enrichment? Redundant Settings?


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MSII v2.687, Megatune 2.25P3.


In general settings I can pick 2-point or Table values for ASE. Then I can input values for the percentage of fuel enrichment after start vs temperature. I can also input number of ignition cycles to taper off the enrichment vs temperature.


My question is: Why is there a place to add values for Additive Enrichment% and Number of Ignition Cycles in the "Warmup Wizard" section. This section is NOT greyed out whether or not I pick Tables or 2-point in the general settings.


This seems redundant? No?

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I was wondering the same thing about the table not greying out but after reading more it seems to make sense. Not sure if this answers your question but last time I read the manual it looked like cranking pw starts the engine, followed by ASE for the specified cycles immediately after "run".. then the warmup wizzard comes into play.


I used tables for my 2.888a code and still have a little bit of trouble getting the ASE correct for those immediate cycles just after engine start. Chuck

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The Warmup Wizard allows you to richen up the mixture based on the temperature of the coolant. The ASE provides a short period of enrichment after starting the engine, regardless of temperature.


If you start up the engine and it is cold, then the ASE will be ADDED to the enrichment done by the Warmup Wizard.


If you start up the engine hot, Warmup Wizard should not come into play, but yet you will still have the Afterstart Enrichment.



- EDIT - sorry I didn't realize you are talking MSII. I have no idea why the MegaTune is set like that, that seems strange, unless that is a 3rd extra enrichment used by the Warmup Wizard only?? - / EDIT -

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OK here is the scoop in case anyone wants to know. The duplicity is perfectly fine. The values for ASE and COLD Priming PW can be entered in either window and they carry over and synchronize to the other window, which is fine. The Cranking PW and the Priming PW are two different conditions so they remain independant.


I answered my own question with some experimenting.

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