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Short Shift kit on a ZX trans...mod pics


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You need to drill a new hole in the trans shifter ears. The original hole is down too low for the extensions. The problem is that you would need to put the new hole overlapping the original hole. Rather than do that, I placed the new hole just above the original (the shifter was still long enough to reach the shift rod). I used a hand drill and the cast material drilled very easily. Keep the chips out of the tranny!



Being that the new hole was now too high for the extension plates to fit snugly on top of the ears, I used a liner of JB-Weld to fill in the gaps. The kit bolts hold the extension in place but the JB Weld will keep any potential slop out of the picture. I also dabbed some JB onto the inner heads of the bolts to keep them from spinning when I tightened the nuts. BTW, I needed to grind a tiny bit off the threaded ends of the bolts to get them to "snake" into the ears. An alternative to the JB Weld would be to drill another small hole for a dowel pin.




Before the JB Weld sets up, install the shifter and pivot pin to make sure your two plates line up perfectly.



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