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280ZX steering question


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My S130 has a recirculating ball type steering and I've been planning for a long time now to swap over (or convert if necessary) to a rack system.


I'm leaning towards to getting a manual rack system for its simplicity. But from what I've read so far, they're kinda rare. Either they're rare or nobody really wants them. Is it true they're that rare?


On power racks, I also read that they tend to leak right away after a rebuild. I also want to know if that's true. I really love the fact that my daily driven nissan B12 has manual rack and I've never had any problems with it since the day I got it (20yrs ago).


My 3rd option (worse case scenario) is to get a manual rack from a different car and adapt it onto my ZX. But I can't seem to find any info regarding the measurements of the stock ZX rack. Do s130s and s30s have the same measurements? If so, I guess I can use the info from this thread then? => http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=143445


Thanks in advance. :2thumbs:

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I also considered doing this. Then I actually crawled underneath my car and realized only my idler arm was screwed up. I'll be keeping my recirc. ball steering I think. I've been spoiled by new model cars.


There's a member here in GA I believe with a manual rack, roger280zx, might wanna try to PM him.

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@attworth: Ah yah, PM'd him a few weeks ago, but I think he sold it already.


@Edz280zx: You're lucky bro! But I really dont mind the recirculating ball set up. Its just that I'm not planning on sticking w/ the L28. Parts for the L28 here is very rare, so I'm hoping to do an SR swap someday. From what I know, the box is going to be in its way if ever I go through w/ it. :(

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I believe the crossmembers are actually the same, manual vs. power. I have both sitting on my garage floor right now. Later today I can take some pics. The only difference is the caps to bolt down the rack.


edited: sorry meant crossmember not rack.

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Scratch that...I just tried to fit my manual rack into the power steering crossmember and it looks like it won't fit after all. They look almost identical, but the mounting points are just a tad wider and I don't think the manual one will fit, even with different bushings.


Manual on top and power on bottom.:bonk:

Good thing I grabbed the right xmember when I did.



Sorry for the inaccurate info before.

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