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The first open road


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Well after somewhat finishing my car I decided to finally bring the thing down to school. I had maybe 100 miles of shake down/testing on it and so I was a bit nervous about doing the milwaukee to indy trip, but I am so glad I did. No gas gauge / ?mpg / no odometer made for an interesting situation at 1am in wabash (see B.F.E.), but for once in my life a cop actually helped me out! I sure I am preaching to the choir here but there is nothing that brings you close to your car then your first long trip together. Regardless of how my back felt after many hours in a worn out corbeau clubman, I had a great time. I only took the freeway to get through chicago and bushwhacked the rest. I can't say it ran awesome, but it ran, so I am pleased to be down here and reunited once again with my rusty pride and joy. Quite a few strange looks from farmers and a few idiots in GrandAms who take FnF too literally, but it was great. Really a surreal experience to drive roads you have never seen before, downshifting as much as possible not because you need to, but because you want to hear it, and constantly taking crazy spur of the moment detours searching for 20mph corner signs. So glad I drove it and didn't trailer it.

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Haha sounds a lot like what I've been doing with my 78 lately. I've been doing VERY long drives (the other night I drove 100 miles because I was bored) all to make sure it's road worthy and performs how it should. I got the first part down mostly. so far in the past 3 weeks I've put something like 500+ miles on it.


it's a good feeling to be able to drive just to drive doesn't it

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