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chin splitter & side skirts

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

ok, here it goes. i know that we have been doing alot of talking and researching on the chin split and side skirt for the air flow. i was looking at the viper gtsr and it has vents on top of the front fenders for air flow to escape and run over the car. it also has a retractable chin splitter. hummm good idea for those speed bumps. i was thinking of making a chin splitter and have it activated with a switch going to a selenoid. make it retractable to go under my front air dam. then i thought well if i can do that then why not do the side skirt the same way. there is plenty of room for it to fit under the car and when i want it down for cruising then hit the switch. makes it nice since i don't really have much ground clearance. i don't really care to vent the top of the fenders on the front like the viper though. has to be a better way. hood aero dynamics seem to be very poor on the stock front when putting tape on the hood. especially on the nose. mike i know you are trying some mold making. i am going to be trying to figure a way on making a better nose with different molds also and see if we can't fix the air on it without having to go to a g-nose. i personnaly am not to fond about it though. well let me know what you think about the idea of retractable chin and i will let you know how it is going.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting ideas Speeder. Personally, I'm dissapointed with all the bad news with the Z's aerodynamics. I really don't want to substantially change the looks of the 240. I've decided to leave the 160+ mph ventures to people like Mike and others who have top end competition in their sights. I am seriously considering the BRE type spoilers, but not much else. An occasional highway joust with the local GTS would be fun, but I don't foresee any Silverstate races in my future. Still, A car that can negotiate the speed bumps at the mall and then go challenge 200 MPH exotics sounds pretty cool. Keep us posted.


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Guest Anonymous

well i finished the side skirts and the chin splitter and all the brackets. the side skirts are installed and work great. when they are up you cannot see them. when they are down there is only a 1/2 inch gap between them and the ground. the front chin splitter i still half to do some more work on the bracket on the front air dam to hold it. plus i still need to get 2 more actuators. it as well will be concelled when retracted and be a 1/2 inch from the ground when extended. as far how well it will work, well as soon as i get it done and get the car painted then i will test it and see. there is a wind tunnel down here and i was going to see if i could work my way in somehow and see if all this work makes and improvement. if it does then i will try it on the road. i just want to be reassured before i run like crazy.

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