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Make your own AF gauge for about 10 dollars!

Evan Purple240zt

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Yes, theirs a variation or two on that if you want more or less LED"s as well.


You could also spare that construction and wire in a supply voltage and use a cheap voltage metre and just read it's reading as needed without having to construct anything. Once tuned IMO it shouldnt' be needed 'daily' etc so I don't see the need (maybe others will disagree, a good way to point to 'broken' parts though) for a permanent fixture. FWIW, I have seen this wired to OE Z voltage guages in the dash:-) two OE guages in dash setup one above another as one for each bank of his V8, not sure if their were many other details to it or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

Great idea guys, but about a week late, Now JEGS has the extra $160 bucks (grin).



I may be OLD and I TRY to act like a lady,

but I aint little and I aint from Pasadena

and I don't drive no D--- Dodge.

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Understand one thing guys - this sucker is using a regular OE type narrow band O2 sensor. It's GREAT for finding the range that cars want for emissions but less great on either side of that. If you REALLY want to do it right use a wide band O2 but they cost BIG bux. The OE sensors also do NOT have super fast response so keep that in mind. Personally, I've never used one of these meters but I think that it's a decent idea for getting ballpark measurements. Just don't bet the motor on their accuracy!


As a side note - I'd heard rumors of a less expensive wide band O2 coming down the pile. These rumors were never confirmed though but if anyone knows please speak up. Supposedly some newer OBDII Japanese cars were going to use them. By cheap I mean less than several hundred $$ BTW.

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I did find something the other day to help spot what might be a wide band O2 - count the wires. If it's got 5 it's wideband, 4 or less is supposed to be the normal OEM narrow band. (shrug)


Also - the SDS site has a nice but very small AF guage for sale for less than $100. Might be worth looking at?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

I'm new here, but I enjoy the posts so I thought I would add my two bits here as I have found a Gauge for $49.95 that works like a champ. check this cataloge. page 31 - www.racepartsnow.com . They have some prety good prices on stuff.

sorry for the error, it's fixed now


[This message has been edited by flazguy (edited October 18, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by flazguy (edited October 19, 2000).]

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