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PM notification


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I received notification of a pm to my e-mail from a "riscard" from hybridz. When I logged in to the site, the Private Messages indicated zero unread PM, what is strange also, there seems to be no one listed as "riscard" on hybrid.org site? I can not respond to the pm, this individual seems to not exist on this site ?



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His username is RSICARD, not RISCARD...he's in Tucson, AZ. Can't help with the PM notification error, but you might PM him "RSICARD" and see if he really sent you a PM. He might have had it deleted before you were able to read it. Just a thought.


And don't be such a stranger...my phone still rings.



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I was reading your last two days over on the DNI thread !!!!! You are right !!!I have been working two jobs ( no more, wife is finally back working !!!!) No sob story just trying to stay afloat. The family and I will be at DNI next Saturday, it will be a good vacation.


Thanks, I will return his pm. The pm was through the site notification and I was at work going through e-mail on my phone. I deleted the email on the phone, and when I logged on my computer just didn't see the message indicated.


Warren, I have to touch base with you and few other friends and family as well.



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