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A/C conversion

Guest dankinzle

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Guest dankinzle

Hey is there a way to convert a GM compressor from the old school freon to the new stuff? I discharged my A/C "professionally" (I skillfully pushed the little evac thing), and I don't feel like paying 45 bucks a pound for new stuff.

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Long, I had a mechanic tell me that you can put the new R134a in there?!? This does not make sense to me, because I thought one had to change over gaskets and such, but he may be right. Try talking to some mechanics in your area, or search the web for info.



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Whoa! It looks like the old mechanic was right! There's not much too it. Thanks for looking in the obvious(?) or maybe not so obvious fail-safe catalog, Lone! The old mechanic also said to just do your best in getting out as much of the old refrigerant as possible, but not to sweat it if there is still some in there. He said it is a misnomer that the entire system be absolutley cleaned before putting in the new stuff. In others words, the old and the new are compatible with each other--at least somewhat.


Long, if you go for the install kit, according to the information I gathered you won't need the flush&clean kit...



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Guest Locutus

You need to get as much out as possible, its not so much the refrigerant that is incompatible, as the pag oil that R134a uses. It will react with the R-12. The recommended procedure to convert to R134a is to disassemble all connections. Flush the system with varsol to clean out any residual oil from the R-12. Reassemble the system with all NEW o-rings, a new dryer and pour about 6 oz of pag oil in the compressor during assembly. Then evacuate the system and check for leaks. If no leaks are present then charge the system to about 35-40 PSI. You should have very cold air blowing at that point. I got this info from my brother inlaw who in the refrigeration business and does work for several chemical plants on thier mission crictical refrigeration projects. He helped me convert the AC on my old pickup and it has had no problems and been blowing cold for almost 5 years now. Just my .02




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Guest dankinzle

Sweet thanks. Lo and behold I walked into hi-lo parts yesterday and they have that exact kit sitting right there on display. Cool beans. I was debating paying the big bucks to get it recharged vs just braving the texas summer. Thank god I don't have to do that.

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Guest Locutus

I know about those Texas summers, I just fixed the A/C in my truck and tuned up the A/C in my wifes car. It was already getting to hot inside the car and we haven't topped 90 Yet. I am usually content in the spring to drive around with the windows down, but that is hard on a 6 month baby, so I only do when its just me and my son, or me(wife don't like it either icon_smile.gif This year is gonna be a hot one I can feel it coming. icon_smile.gif



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We reached the upper 80's last week in the Dallas area; I usually go w/out A/C in the late Spring-Early Summer days also, but when it hit the upper 80's I had to turn on the A/C.....Ooooooo Yea; that 'felt' so much better!


Its certainly nice for the A/C to work in the Z. Dont know if it'll still feel cold when temp's reach the 110's*F(?).


Yes, Felt is a word; at least it is in N.Texas.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Guest Anonymous

Yeah, air is something I need to get hot working on (pun intended). We don't get the humidity you guys do in Texas, but we get plenty of heat. Summer can go as high as in the mid 110's here, which is great if your a tomato. (They haul so many of them out of the Woodland Ca. area where I used to work that you can not believe it. Contradina has a plant there as well.).

Guess I'll have to make a excursion to Pick and Pull and get a few pieces to try and cobble my AC together, I have the vintage 72' add on condenser in the car (the draw thru style which I understand isn't that great, but hey, if its cold at all, it'll be better than the oven like non-AC car..), just need to get the underhood portion and hoses. I have a later camaro compressor but need a pulley to make it fit vbelts instead of serpentine.




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