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has anyone tried fabricating austin healy or jaguar 2" SU's. a friend of mine has jag ones and they bolt straight on the z manifold he says, only thing is you gotta mil the manifold because of its size...its just big...im thinking of doing this for fun to see if i get some power increase...i already have 200hp dynoed at the wheels with my stock su's...hmmm just curious about other SU's. hopefully good power increase. i wonder if the linkage will be hard to fabricate...any how, it should be fun trying to make stuff work. laters all


[ July 06, 2001: Message edited by: DATTO ]


[ July 06, 2001: Message edited by: DATTO ]

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Lookslike it's time to find a new host. It seems they actually whacked the images on your SIE and not just redirect the pics headed this way - cute. Hope you had backups of them! They send you anything telling you what they did? I'd edit the above messages and keep them from getting the satisfaction of the advertising..... icon_mad.gif


Would like to have seen the gauge pics! Gauges have sort of become a etish of mine lately (lol) icon_rolleyes.gif

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The pics are there - try clicking on the Urls below. Funny, after I went to the pic specifically (found the URL with the "properties" right click in IE, and opened a new window with that as the URL), and then went back and veiwed the post again, the pictures showed up ? Anyway, here are the URLS:


http://www.angelfire.com/sd/fareastpinoy/fullpod.jpg :





http://www.angelfire.com/sd/fareastpinoy/rpmpod.jpg :






http://www.angelfire.com/sd/fareastpinoy/3pod.jpg :



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Damn, that didn't even work. I don't know how Angelfire does this, but sometimes the pics show and sometimes they don't. Screw them, just buy some space on a legit ISP by signing up for a real email/webspace account, or find a new image hosting site. But these image hosting sites are starting to charge and make it difficult for people to see the pics without going in through another page.


Do they possibly limit the number of views from a calling page or something? I can't see any of them now, just minutes later.


If you go to http://www.angelfire.com/sd/fareastpinoy you can see all three pics at once. Well at least I could this time.


[ July 06, 2001: Message edited by: pparaska ]

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Many of these free photo hosting/web site hosting places block you from including files hosted on their server on pages hosted on another server (does that makes sense?)


IOWs, when there's a GET request on a file, if it's not coming directly from a client (304 vs. 200 I think), then they trap the request and spit out a different file - in this case an ad. The main reason they have to do this is to avoid their service being abused by porn sites. The more clever sites will put a bandwidth throttle on the account which will usually defeat the porn sites.


I just tested the Yahoo briefcase and it seems to work. I created a little page which included an image file that I uploaded to the yahoo server and it came out fine (http://jeromio.com/test200.html). Works with their photo album too.


You have to right click the image (using IE anyway, I assume netscape too), select Properties and then copy the entire URL for the image and paste it into the img src= tag in quotes.

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hey davyz


thanks man...glad to be in this forum..lots of nice people. glad you liked the car at MSA. as for the 5.7 L if i had the cash id do it. but im in process of a turbo motor. anyway, take it easy i gotta do some post editing since my pics didnt work. laters

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Hey Datto! Welcome to the forum! I met you at the MSA Natl's and talked with you a little bit. I liked your car and especially the Supra part of your front airdam--sweet mod that bolts on. You also had a great color on that Z of yours..perfect.


Good to see you here. You know, the only thing your Z is lacking is 5.7L of power! icon_biggrin.gif


Take care,


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