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cam timing question?

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I started a thread a couple of days ago with not much response so I'm attempting to start over. Here's the original thread http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?p=1037081#post1037081


Basically troubleshooting a 73 z I purchase a while back but just getting around to getting it running. The PO said it was a recent rebuild, the SU's were off the car in a box. He said they were having trouble tuning the carbs and basically it got put on the shelf. My thought is something else was the problem after the rebuild and after messing with the carbs to no avail they gave up.


I have put on a decently tuned pair of SU's just because I knew what I had and began from there. If you take a look at the previous thread mentioned you will see what my issues are.


Instead of posting new images please look at the images posted on the last thread from above.


After getting the advice to check cam timing I began the process and hopefully the pics will tell in more detail than I can explain. Basically I began to search for the grooves on the cam sprocket and their relation to the timing notch on the plate behind the sprocket. The issue is there are no notches on the sprocket (I've looked at a sprocket from another 240 to see what I was looking for and there's nothing like the v notches that where on the sprocket I referenced) the pics I posted on the thread earlier shows what I'm talking about. I can't find the timing notch on the plate either. I'm trying to determine what is going on with this PO rebuild. Don't know if it's aftermarket etc.


The bright link on the timing chain is at the #3 mark on the sprocket if that helps at all.


It's obvious I could use all the help I can get.... thanks

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The bright link location is only helpful if you know where BOTH of the bright links are. Just seeing a bright-link lined up on a cam gear dot doesn't mean the other bright link is lined up in its correct spot on the crank gear. :wink:

If you are starting over regarding setting the cam timing, you'll need to pull the front cover, rotate the engine around till the bright links links are lined up on their corresponding crank and cam dots, then verify that the #1 piston is at TDC, then verify the cam gear dot the shiny link is aligned with, either "1", "2", or "3", is clocked on the camshaft dowel to cam gears corresponding hole, i.e. shiny link and cam dowel should be the same, i.e. "1" and "1" or "2" and "2" , or "3" and "3".



If you want to really get nitty gritty with cam timing, follow this link...




Hope that helps,


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any advice on why there's no timing mark on the plate and no notches on the sprocket?


The plate will have a notch. The plate may have been installed upside down or flipped over, or both which could explain why it is not visible.


As for the cam gear not having the "V" notches that are supposed to line up with the plate notch?!?!? No idea. It should have those notches.

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Yeah BRAPP, that link is definitely "nitty gritty" and then some. Maybe save that for a cold winter day!


I will start by checking out the crank gear and see if the other bright link on the timing chain is where it's suppose to be.


So to make sure I've got it right... if my bright link is on #3 mark on cam sprocket and the bright link on the crank sprocket is correct then does that only leave the corresponding dowel as suspect?

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I checked the cam sprocket dowel and the dowel is in the #1 hole and the bright link is on the #3 timing mark. Let's say the bright link is correct on the crank. What adjustments do I need to make from there?

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I've attached a pic of how I now have the timing chain set up. Can anyone tell me if this is correct and what else I need to check before I reinstall the cover. Also what's the best way to install the oil pump/distributor gear to make sure it's in the right position.



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