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Given an '81 zx... too rusty? Impressions? (pics)


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my brother left the country a couple years ago, and his datsun has been more or less just sitting.


My dad had to jump start it, but was then able to get it into a garage spot we have down the block.

Tried starting it today, it clicked and then buzzed a lot but didnt start.

I've got a spare battery I can try on it


So what do you reckon? Theres spots were i was able to poke my finger through the rust, but not many.


I've never done any kind of car restoration thing before, but I figure with the money it wouldve cost me to buy a car like this, I could get the body professionally de-rusted and primed ready for painting.


Engine-wise, I'd just like to have it running for a while. I'm on a provisional license, and here in australia, until you have your full license, it's illegal to drive turbo/v8/performance engines. So I thought till then I could rebuild the current engine and in a couple years when it's legal, do a turbo swap or something.










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You can't drive any sort of performance car or V-8 car until a certain age? Wow, I'd never heard of that before.


I've been driving V8s since I was 14... but they've all been excessively slow land yachts. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of family sedans that could have easily dusted my 360 powered Chrysler wagon. :oops:


To the car at hand- it looks pretty saveable, I'd go after it. It'd be a good learning experience and probably a lot of fun and frustration, but as long as you stick to one project at a time, you'll be alright.


It sure beats the living daylights out of my free 280ZX... haha



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You can't drive any sort of performance car or V-8 car until a certain age? Wow, I'd never heard of that before.


I've been driving V8s since I was 14... but they've all been excessively slow land yachts. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of family sedans that could have easily dusted my 360 powered Chrysler wagon. :oops:


To the car at hand- it looks pretty saveable, I'd go after it. It'd be a good learning experience and probably a lot of fun and frustration, but as long as you stick to one project at a time, you'll be alright.


It sure beats the living daylights out of my free 280ZX... haha




Wow lots of love needs to go into that girl;)


One of those rare, rear engine models, I see. :)

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