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need electrical advice - garage wiring


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I am running more power out to my garage.

The electrical guy at work suggested I use the following wire, #8 thnn run thru 1inch conduit buryed 18 inches deep. Niether home depot or menards had it in stock.Menards recomended 8-3 nmb (with ground). Will this work ?Is there a better way to go?

I will use a 50 amp double breaker at the main in the house. Thanks in advance, Tom

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My brother and I are using 10-3 for a 30 amp dryer circuit, so...I think that their recommendation may be good. I'm not an electrician, but the 8-3 is beefier than a 10-3, yes? If so, it sounds right by the rule of thumb (educated guess).



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i think i ran 8/3 as well, not in conduit but in the underground cable - thick black crap. and a 50 amp circuit on the house.


i buried mine 3' under- and then 12" of dirt over it and then a wide yellow marker tape 4" wide above it so if you dig you find the tape first.

at least thats the theory..


btw: thats to code here......


works very well. i have a full breaker box in the shop - i did all my own wiring there as well.

30amp to compressor 220v

30amp to welder 220v

and a sh*tload of outlets, 3' off the ground every 8 feet along all the walls. at least i dont have to go looking for power..or bend over icon_smile.gif


overhead outlets for dropdown trouble lites and stuff.

outlets are so cheap you cant have too many. just wire them in on triple wire (ala a kitchen) so they alternate on the circuits. max. 8 per breaker or ??

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