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Successful door panel build-up


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I made a new door panel for the drivers side door. I started out with foam core board cut to size, then made relief cuts in the board to allow the center section to drop into the door like the stock panels do. I used masking tape to hold the cut area down. Today I added a layer of fiberglass to both side of the foam core to weather proof it. Then I smoothed out the f'glass with a skim of body filler and sanded it smooth. Then I covered the whole thing with some new black vinyl using contact cement. Tuesday I will go to the auto parts store and get some cheap chrome trim to duplicate the trim strip. I used the factory metal upper section of the door panel along with the foam core to build the whole panel. It looks better than factory. I've taken some pics of the build-up process and finished part so I'll have them up in a couple of days.




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  • 4 months later...
Guest Anonymous

Another idea that I tried once is to use ABS plastic sheets. I just put the ABS on top of the old door panel and used a heat gun to soften the ABS so that I could mold it do shape. It worked well EXCEPT that I should have used a thinner piece of ABS. I never finished that little project but I think there is potential there.

I have also wondered about putting a layer of fiberglass over a set of good stock door panels (without vinyl, of course).

Jamie, send us those pics. Can't wait to see them.

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