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Fuse box cover


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Hey anyone have a pic of the fuse box cover for a 71 240z? I think it's the same 70-73, just teh pigtail is a different length. I need to know what is what because I have to redo some wiring in my car before MSA. Any pics that I can read would be helpful.


Al 2thumbs.gif

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I have the fuse box cover in my 71 at home, if all you need to see is the cover I can bring it to work and you can swing by and take a look at it. I seemed to have misplaced my digital camera after the Rio Vista get together so I can't take any pics of it for you.

Mike D.

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Cool, thanks!

After going through my fuse box just now I found a few reasons that I'm having problems:

This is the Stock fuse box setup...


AIR CON---------------LIGHT L

WIPER-----------------LIGHT R





Well, I'm not using the left side of my fuse box AT ALL.

In fact, since I rewired the lights, I'm only using the LIGHT R fuse for the headlights. Since I have a relay taking all the real current for the lights, I don't need 2 fuses. The LIGHT L will wind up being High Beams someday.

My Brake lights are going through the DOME circuit. And my fuel pump and wiper are not fused. I was kind of shocked about this. This will change immediately. I am going to run the wipers through, well you guessed it, WIPER, and the fuel pump through another, not sure yet, have to find one that is on only in the ON position.

I'm probably going for the Painless harness soon, as I am SICK of these wiring issues. I think I should have done that in the first place!

Thanks for the help.


AL 2thumbs.gifrockon.gif

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