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outter rear control arm bushings

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You need to disassemble the control arms first (obviously). Is that what you are really asking? Searching would turn it up, but you need to consider the spindle pin pulling tool. There is a nice writeup of the process on www.atlanticz.ca.



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i tried searching and couldnt find anything that really helped and was trying to get a kinda fast awnser because i was trying to get the control arms done tonight.


i loosened the bolts on the end of the outter control arm and then the one in the middle and tapped on it to see if it comes out and it didnt budge so im wondering where to go from there. I have the control arms completely removed from the car also if that further clarifies anything.

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I will try this once for some of the more senior posters here would normally suggest this be sent to the tool shed.


Follow the link above and it will answer all of your questions on how to remove the Spindle Pin's so you can replace the bushings. IF you are VERY,VERY lucky you might get both pins out tonight. I would estimate, that if the bushings are OEM and have never been replaced, it will take ~2-3 hours after you get the pins out.


Without a spindle pin tool you might spend 4-5 hours and still not get them out.


Try a little more reading and a little more patience and you can replace the bushings. Good things take time. :)

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i read the entire write up through and all i got out of it is to hit the pin until it budges correct?


i dont have a spindle pin tool or anything of the sort so i guess thats my only option?


Also this will most likely have to be replaced once removed or is it reuseable once i get the new bushings in because in the write up it was replaced.

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Ok, I will try again. Read the sticky's in the suspension area of the forum. I will save you the trouble of browsing with this link to the Spindle Pin tool loaner thread:



Some people have never been able to remove their spindle pins. Some have taken them to machine shops to have the pin pressed out. I had to trash 1 control arm after 30 ton press could not remove the pin AFTER I had to cut it in half to get it in the press.


This job is not quick and easy. Good luck and be sure to read over the threads in this area: http://forums.hybridz.org/forumdisplay.php?f=61


Good luck!


Edit: Yes, you should have spare pins on hand because if you hit them with a hammer you will probably render them useless. Spindle pins are available through Nissan and MSA last time I checked.

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Ok guys thanks for the help. Looks like Im going to have to reassemble the rear with those bushings not replaced because I have to have the car done today. Ill order those parts and probably replace the bushings when I do the front end in a couple weeks.


Again thanks for the help.

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