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Texaco car of the decades - Contest


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Hi Guys,

Texaco is having a contest to choose a winner of each decade from 1900 on.

The Blue Oval Z is entered in of course the 1970's decade and is currently in 6th place. Figuring that the tough competition would come from the Ford, Chevy, Mopar camps solely based on their enormous size, the surprise has been the AMC guys. They have came out in support of a 1976 Pacer (and Purple no less)! I guess you have to admire the AMC camp for their support in making an AMC the car of the decade (but a Purple Pacer???).


Here a link to the BOZ page.


At the bottom of the page is a "Rate this Ride", clicking this will allow you to score the car from 1-10, and cast your vote (login required). Also feel free to leave a comment.


Any and all help is appreciated!!


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Apparently someone was disregarding the contest rules!


The 1st, and 2nd place cars in the 1970's decades scores were cut roughly in half by contest moderators.

Comments left in those contestants comments box indicated that the moderators would be monitoring their votes for "irregularities".


This is a great opportunity for the BOZ to do some catching up.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank YOU!!

Yes, we're in the final 7 days of voting for the contest.

Although the spread to first place looks large, each vote is worth up to 10 points. Based on today's scores we're only 84 votes, or 12 per day out of the lead. I don't think that it's unreasonable to think that we can't round up 100 ten point votes and win this thing.

I'll make this easy, cut and paste the following to an e-mail and send it to a few friends requesting their help. Let's make a "Z" Car of the Decade!


The "Blue Oval Z" is waging a war to become car of the decade in TEXACO'S "Car of The Decade" contest.





Can you help out by taking a moment to click on the link and submit a vote for the "Blue Oval Z"?




Thank you!!!

Please forward this to a friend. We need all of the help that we can get.

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- UPDATE - Tuesday, October 6th


We've gathered 14 Votes totaling 140 points in the last 20 hours! It's working!!smoke.gif

With 6 days left at this rate Victory Circle is possible.

The pressures on to keep up this pace!



Don't let the BOZ lose to a purple Pacer!:eek:





Don't forget Bill Coffey's Garage Party October 24th!!

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Update- Thursday October 8th 3days Left


Thanks to the efforts of many the gap to 2nd place has been closed to about 30 votes. I'm guessing the smartest thing to do is deal with them one at a time.

So...Here's the 2nd place car.


If you've got a minute check out the contest, and cast a vote for the "BlueOvalZ" There's not much time left to make a difference.



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I guess this is the only time that Pacer will have a Z in its rear view mirror.


There are a lot of people working to assure the only view that the Pacer will have is of the Blue Oval's ass when the finish line is crossed. And that's if the view is not obstructed by the Charger.


Bill Coffee was at a SCCA meeting last night, and will be going to car shows this weekend handing out cards. Bill also did a 120 piece mailing in conjunction with his Garage Party (October 24th!! Don't forget).

The Blue Oval Z will be making the rounds to a couple shows this weekend, as well as hitting the parts stores and other hangouts for car guys. Voting may be almost over, but we're working this till the closing second. We're also requesting support, and posting updates on sites from the UK to Australia.


As this is written the BOZ is 25 votes out of 2nd place, and about another 40 from first. That's only about 65 from Victory Circle.


I'm confident that we'll have a "Z" representing the Decade.

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