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82' 280zx car wont start?


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have an 82' 280zx 2+2, the thing is, getting it started.


heres the deal;

i place key in ignition switch, turn to ON position, the 4 red lights come up

such as seat belt... and i cant remember the other ones lol. all i know is the top left and top right dont come on. *top left is "sensor"


back to the deal;

the car does the check thingy, i have a headlight issue at the moment so it tells me my lights are f**kd (all red in the check light box)

and then it says OK


i turn the key to start, and it DOES NOTHING but shows the *sensor* light on the top left each time i turn to START position. Because it doesnt start, i keep turning to ON position, then START, REPEAT and REPEAT.

until about the 50th time or close to it, maybe MORE, it finally turns over and starts. It wants to die unless i rev the engine a little bit and then stop revving the engine till it idles good on its own, but thats not the main problem.


(more info)-sometimes i try turning to the on position where i can hear the fuel pump doing its job, and humms for about 5 seconds only, then i repeat and repeat and repeat because this seems to get my car to start faster if i do this a little before trying the start position. i dont suspect a fuel pump problem though, it does fine while driving i think...although it acts like it doesnt get very good acceleration, i suspect clogged fuel injectors? maybe this would be the problem to my starting problem? i used injector cleaner though and it didnt help...



what could be causing this?! im 16, first car :mrgreen: i worked hard for it and earned my first car.

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sensor light is nothing. comes on automatically. can be disconnected. You need to download a FSM (Factory Service Manual). You can get them free at carfiche.com or xenon's website (do a search). Check your fuel pressure. You need a cheap oil pressure gage, some fuel line (be sure it is marked fuel line regular hose degrades in gasoline), some clamps and a tee of the right size. You can get that stuff at most auto stores. Pull the hose off the fuel filter (some gas will shoot out use a rag). Put a short piece of hose on the fuel filter and use the tee to connect the that and the hose you pulled off. Use more hose to hook up the pressure gage. use clamps so fuel doesn't come blowing out all over the place. Start engine check fuel pressure - should be 30 plus. Turn off engine. pressure should stay or maybe slowly drop off. This will test your pump and fuel pressure regulator. Check your battery cables for clean good terminal connections. Have the battery load tested (free most places). if you have the clamp on the wire one size fit all connectors get rid of them and replace with real battery cables. Set cost less than $20 and cheap insurance. Check the battery system first. If that is questionable it can cause your other problems. Z's are real finicky about voltage. A little low and the electronics don't function well. See if there is local z car club in your area. Even tho you are young you can probably find members who would be happy to give you some tips and other helpful information.

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try zcar.com too. Hybridz has more info on modified z's. zcar more generalized.


hey thanks!

yeah my battery cables look quite suspicious, and ive had trouble with them before as well till i tightened them up...and also the battery cables are rusty and look as if they NEED replacing, but they seem to work, so i was going to get to it as soon as i could.


the battery itself on the other hand doesnt seem too bad, looks a little old, but it seems ok. i will get the battery tested sometime at auto zone.


the fuel system pressure check seems a little hard to get to check, but i will research more exactly on what to do, and get some help from people too.


one thing too, the size fit all cables, could you link me to a set of cables that arent "size fit all" and the correct ones i should get then?

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Improve your battery system first because without that being top notch you will find gremlins as did I when I had a new battery installed. I kept telling myself problems couldn't be related to the battery "because it was NEW". Finally got a load test done and sure enough it was marginal - replaced under warranty. Interstate batteries are the best most reliable I have ever used and they don't cost a whole bunch more than el cheapo at WalMart. Nothing special on the battery cables. Measure the positive one it should go to the starter. The ground should go from the battery to a bolt about a foot down on the body below the battery box. Then you need a cable from that bolt to the starter. This ensures good body grounding and adequate current flow to the starter. If the original cables are on the car and someone used a clamp on to make it work you will find that the negative cable goes to this bolt and then to the starter. Just cut it off above the bolt and replace the short piece you cut with good one. Many times people are lazy and just cut the ground strap off then go direct to the starter. This will work but is not the best way to install as you are then bonding to the car body through a bolted connection to the block and then to the body. Autozone or Schucks. Most good battery places have cables in stock or can make one to fit your rig if you can't find what you want at auto store. Just take it slow read the forums, read up on how engines work, ask questions of people at the auto parts store some of them know what they are talking about. Ask em what they drive and if they start telling you about the mods they made you probably have a good source. REmember stock 280zx won't smoke a modded honda but the turbo version will but they are fun to drive, fairly bulletproof, easy for a beginner to learn on.

Edited by roger.svoboda
poor grammar
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