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Now Im doing it!

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I dont know what lit the fire under my me, but I'm starting to acually do things for my car. What started out to me putting a running, very nicely painted 76 280z in my parents garage in 1996 to the monster mess of a blown up engine tore into parts, suspenstion tore apart. A big hole in the strut tower covered by a hack weld job (dont ask me?), no interior, just gone of a mess only a few years later is got me going. My baby whom I call sunshine, ive had since I was 19. I moved to fl with 2 grand and didnt look back. Bought this car from the original owners son after he died. It was brown and only had 20 something on the clock. I put 30k on it painted it yellow and put it away when I got a zxtt.


Which brings me here. I've been watching this forum for ever and just became a member a while back. I never worked on my car I just watched yours through pictures here. I was always dissapointed how mine got trashed but I never let her go. Now I'm doing something. Ive always wanted a v8 and have 3 sbc in buckets laying around but I think I want a ford in it. A 5.0 roller. So I decided to start selling off my sbc stuff and start getting what I need for my car. Here is The first of many to come postings on what I got and whats going to happen for my car. I hope you guys enjoy


Daddy got his little girl some new shoes. chrome Saleen rims 245 front 275 rear almost new rubber. Craigslist deal.....$325. I live by detroit which right now has alot of out of work uaw workers. Looks like I'm going to be either hanging some qtrs or putting on some flares. Anyone else got these rims? I was going to get some cheap fugly rollers while I was building. But these came up so here are her new treads!


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