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diff swap


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After a week of research I hope that what i need is a longnose r200 diff with 3.36 gearing and that it will just bolt in. It presently has 411 gearing and the 305 chevy with 350 turbo is revving to high for my likes. Would gladly trade but will pay for another and shipping. Found a couple of people with the us gear overdrive unit but they want a money draft wut shipping sent to them. I offered to pay cod charges and freight but it was a no go. Well i live in canada but since when did that matter. Maybe there is something going on that i dont know. Anyway if you can help me i would be happy. Thank you in advance............cheers

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hey i have a low milage R-200 rear diff with 3:36 gearing for $325 + s&h.O/K.

  panheadpete said:
After a week of research I hope that what i need is a longnose r200 diff with 3.36 gearing and that it will just bolt in. It presently has 411 gearing and the 305 chevy with 350 turbo is revving to high for my likes. Would gladly trade but will pay for another and shipping. Found a couple of people with the us gear overdrive unit but they want a money draft wut shipping sent to them. I offered to pay cod charges and freight but it was a no go. Well i live in canada but since when did that matter. Maybe there is something going on that i dont know. Anyway if you can help me i would be happy. Thank you in advance............cheers
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I have shipped the smaller R-180 cross country for $57 so the heavier R-200 will cost more probably about $69-$75 with the increase of prices lately. Here is my cell number you can call me to finalise the total shipping + cost of unit... tele 510-875-8638....thanks.

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