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Just noticed this


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I washed and waxed my car today. It was painted metallic burgundy about 5 years ago, before sitting in a garage for those 5 years. Anyway, in direct sunlight, I could barely notice darker and lighter "splotches" in the paint. Almost looks like its showing through from the back. Just wondering if anyone has seen this before? I doubt anyone but me would notice it on my car...






1973 240z - L28TURBO transplant on the way!


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Guest Anonymous

Hey Drax, sometimes when people spray metallic paint , they jack around to long, It needs to be sprayed immediatly after mixing and and if your slow it needs to be swirled in the gun while spraying, the metal in the paint will settle and bunch up causing uneven application, sometimes it is hard to see except in the right light and with a clean car.



74 260, sbc 350, 700r4, and a few little HP Mods.just gettin started good.My ceramic and other high tec coatings bussiness will be up & running very soon

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another problem with metalic paint is that

if your pressure out of the gun is not exact

and your distance between the gun and the car when you are sprayng is not the same, the metal flakes will either lay down or stay vertical off the painted surface causing the color to look different.

there is not much you can do about it at this point other that re-painting the car... Metalic paints are the most dificult to put on.. My first paint job was metalic and you can see places that look darker than the rest of the car...

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