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Need a little forum 101.


How do you get a specific search to work. If I type in something like "same side intercooler" I get results for every post that has any of these words. When I am trying to find posts that have all three words in them. Searching like this "same+side+intercooler" doesn't seem to work either.


Like the new site other than that though....

Edited by LineC
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  On 2/22/2010 at 1:40 PM, LineC said:

Need a little forum 101.


How do you get a specific search to work. If I type in something like "same side intercooler" I get results for every post that has any of these words. When I am trying to find posts that have all three words in them. Searching like this "same+side+intercooler" doesn't seem to work either.


Like the new site other than that though....

The built in search engine is not so great.

I am working right now on setting up a separate more advanced search engine using a 3rd party application.

Ill keep you guys updated.

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Ok, installed the new search engine.

Here the basic query syntax you can use in the search box.



Boolean query syntax

Boolean queries allow the following special operators to be used:


  • explicit operator AND:hello & world
  • operator OR:hello | world
  • operator NOT:hello -worldhello !world
  • grouping:( hello world )

Here's an example query which uses all these operators:


Example 5. Boolean query example


( cat -dog ) | ( cat -mouse)<br class="example-break">


There always is implicit AND operator, so "hello world" query actually means "hello & world". OR operator precedence is higher than AND, so "looking for cat | dog | mouse" means "looking for ( cat | dog | mouse )" and not "(looking for cat) | dog | mouse".


For more advanced searching options you can have a look at the manual here.

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