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I need my head(s) examined

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The engine builder I'm talking to is really pushing the Dart Pro1 heads. He claims he can make them outflow the 195 out of box AFRs. I know Dart makes a great head for the $$, but the AFR 195s are really impressing me. Does anyone have a source for flowbench data on the Pro1s? Even Dart website won't post any info, and haven't answered my email.

Other build tid bits: Recommended solid lifter cam specs for the AFRs are coming up with 534/547, 248/259 @ .050, 108 lobe center. Our altitude will probably bring the duration down to the mid 240s, and lift up closer to the .600 mark. 108 lobe sep is a given. The need to overbuild at high altitudes becomes more evident with the local track's air density last week equivalent to over 9000ft icon_eek.gif (track is 6000 ft)


[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: John Scott ]

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Cripes! Those are some nasty specs to overcome the altitude problem. I once lived in Lake Tahoe CA and I thought 6000 ft was high. Shoot, at 9000 ft you'd go into oxygen debt just walking to the bathroom...



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John Scott,


I personally dont know of any sites one could go to for Dart Cyl.Head flow charts. Of all the cyl.head mfg's now on the market "Dart" seems to be the most secretive.


I guess since their start was in racing & they assist some Auto Mfg's w/R&D they feel a sense to "be secretive" or else they just feel their reputation will sell their heads themselves. Either way I'ld prefer to have charts to look at prior to plunking my 1k on some cyl.heads; alluminum or iron!


The only info I've ever found on Dart was on their Iron Eagle & they flowed 270cfm @ .500 lift w/28*HG...then again their Iron Heads and are a design of late 80's.


I like cyl.heads & mfg's that dont mind posting their results. There is a lot of info on AFR, Brodix & Edelbrock heads or even Chevy/Buick/Pontiac chevy heads for that matter.


If I had the money to spend on Alluminum Cyl.Heads I'ld buy anything but Dart...then I'ld send a nice letter to Dart explaining why I didnt even consider them (no info to the consumer for comparisons)...at least not easily obtainable comparisons.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Alright, finally talked to someone from Dart. Seemed nice enough. Asked why they don't post flow #s. He stated too many people would be misled into buying the wrong head !!?? I said thats like advertising a camshaft that the manufacture says will run real strong, but won't tell you the lift and duration. What else can you use for comparison info? He said, good point, but thats how we do it. He wouldn't send me any info but would quote flow #s. Pro1 200s:

.200-.500 lift are as follow: 129/114, 185/145, 229/164, 260/172.

He said I don't want to hear the 215 #s because they're lower until the 600 lift range. In other words not a good low velocity head. I think I've made my decision.

The numbers are OK, but not up to the AFR190/95s. The race ready run around $1100, and with porting could flow better. For $1250 the 195s are ready to go, and if need be have room to grow as well with additional porting.

Now all I have to solve is the HEADER delima!

Would someone Puleeez figure out what brand fits best for a healthy 383! icon_rolleyes.gif


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Well I'm glad to hear you were persistant enough to actually talk w/a rep.


Its hard to believe they think that way; as if the Hot Rod Crowd isnt intelligent enough to decipher which head is the correct head....sure a small percentage would buy imporperly/but just think about how many sells they're losing by not posting(?). I guess they forgot where their corporate owners got their start (Hot Rodders turned Racers!) & look what they were smart enough to do...they basically began the aftermarket Cyl.Head wars!


Guess their business is good enough (or atleast that's what they're CEO would like to believe) they dont need the Peasants (us) getting in their way...oh well/their loss!


After you make your purchase I'ld shoot them a picture of you newly bought cyl.heads w/the letter explaining you purchased the cyl.heads because you knew going into the purchase what you were buying...maybe-just maybe they'ld rethink their position on sells.


It relly is too bad-DART has some nice cyl.heads; just no public info on them!



(Yea,Still an Inliner)


[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: Kevin Shasteen ]

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Guest Anonymous

Go see the AFR web page and reade the flow to go artical as published in chevy hi po mag.


I have the orginal mag and it test heads in three intake CC categories. The AFR win in all sizes. There smaller CC ie. 190-195 are stated to outflow other company's larger intake CC.


Im saving up and will buy a set soon.


They also offer dyno combos for your 383!


Buy them and share the results.

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I've got FlowTech headers on my 383 and it was obvious as soon as I laid the FelPro header gasket that came with my heads on it. Pics on my site but from the start it was obvious there was too small a primary. On top of that my STRAIGHT plugs were pretty tight and one actually backs into the header tube. Lastly, they're pretty, they're coated, they fit aorund the motor mounts like a glove but... the guy doing the install of the exhaust claims that one leaks due to a faulty weld at the collector. DOH!


So, I too am interested in headers but for straight plugs. I'm not sure what I'll do with these to be honest. I've not heardseen th eleak yet so perhaps it's okay...

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Guest Anonymous

I, too, am considering AFR heads.. As far as headers, I've heard nothing but raves about the Sanderson QP1000 mani-header.. But they are pricey... around $350 IIRC.

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Two problems - cast iron (heavy) and only 1.5inch primary. IMO I think if I was going to spring for that much money it would have to be bigger. I see no mention of use with straight or angled plugs either bu tI may have missed it. I suppose it could be ported but it also needs to be coated. $350 is just the entrance fee, it goes upwards from there. (sigh) Darned nice headers though! I seem to recall another company that we all liked awhile back but can't quite remmeber the ame. Anyone? I've not yet hit the search engine for this yet bu twill once I figure out if these headers will last me awhile or not icon_rolleyes.gif

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