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Woohoo! My rotisserie actually works!


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Well, mostly anyway--I need to move the pivots up in relation to the body--the car is too high up in the air, and it'll hit the roof if I try to flip it over--but it goes side to side just fine, and I can roll the whole shebang around my garage--now where in the heck did I leave that DA sander???




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made em myself--the base is 4x4 angle, then a chunk of diamond plate bolted inside of it-the uprights are 3" C-channel, and I'm using galvanized steel pipe for the pivots-then the part that bolts to the car is more C-channel, and some 3x3 angle--the casters just happened to be laying around at work, along with all the steel and a welder; so I was able to make this one for fairly cheap

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Cool! Those stands look super sturdy/stable!


I bet the front and rear pivots on the car need to go up at least 6 inches to get it from being "top heavy" as it is now. Nailing that place is key. I'd love to know where those are on the car so I can modify the ones I made (a buddy wants to use it on his V8 Fairlady (RHD) 76 Z).

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I kinda figured they were going to be a little low (I think you're right Pete-about 6" should do it)-unfortunately, all the pics I could find online were for the 240, and here I am with a 280, and a 2+2 to boot--figured on a little trial and error

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Whoa pete, a little too much caffiene this morning? icon_wink.gif Hehe.


When I first looked at the first picture I didn't seen the blue support in the background... I thought you had the car attached to the handle of your floor jack for a split second! LOL.

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Guest MM_280Z

HAHA! That's so cool! No more grinder flakes in the face when you need to do something below the car... just flip'er over! You can just slide the whole deal outside for a moment to flip it, then roll back inside.


Nice clean garage too!

**cough*BLKMGK*cough** icon_wink.gif

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Pthhhh! I'm a pig, I know. Not organized I know. It'll be cleaned up after I'm done and then I'll get it messy again icon_smile.gif DO actually get things done in there. The buffer really throws crap around the garage though - ick! icon_rolleyes.gif

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Those are always so cool; I'm too too jealous/nice!



(Yea,Still an Inliner)


PS: Cute Jim-got a kick out of your signature in parenthises; One of these days my "Yea,Still an Inliner" is gonna read "Yea,No longer an Inliner"...we'll just have to see who catches that & who doesnt! For now-no worry/it's a good ways off.


[ June 08, 2001: Message edited by: Kevin Shasteen ]

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