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Used Triple Webers

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I recently picked up a set of triple webers from a local Z owner who ended up going with an 83 turbo swap instead of the N/A route.


I was curious if there was anyone near Cincinnati Ohio that could give these a once over or possibly point me in a local direction to have them rebuilt.


Thanks in advance for any pointers.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I don't have a direct answer to your question...


My advice would be to get a good book, like "How to Build & Power Tune Weber & Dellorto DCOE & DHLA Carburettors" by Des Hammill. Excellent book for the dollar and readily available for like 20-30 bucks. Worth the cost for sure. You can find this book on Amazon or other online book sellers. You should be able to source this from your local book store as well. I like this book because you still can find copies, it covers both Weber and Dellorto carbs so if you upgrade, you can still use this book (He, he!)...also a car club library would benefit from this book as it covers both carbs. Their are many other books that are available, this is just one in an arsenal of good books. This site also has loads of help, and tips for Webers. Search "Weber" and you'll find a whole pile of discussions.


If you're going to be a triple carb owner it would greatly behove you to learn how to work on your own carbs. Most speed shops charge by the hour and like any business you get what you pay for. Tuning these carbs are "relatively" easy and tear down and cleaning is "relatively" straight forward. A good resource like a car club accompanied with a book can greatly help you along that path of ownership. Also note that most people these days are leaning towards EFI for the ease of tuning, and most carb guru's from back in the day, are getting up in age and might not be interested in helping a newbie. Just my $0.02. Best of luck.

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