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Tomahawk Hard Top Prototype

Sleek Z

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Knowing that some of you here have an interest in body kits made for the Z car, I thought you might be interested in some news regarding the beautiful Tomahawk Z kits designed and created by Rory Bateman.


Vincent Hudson, owner of the "Purple Candy" Tomahawk Z kit (#002) and I visited Rory Bateman at his new shop on Feb. 11th to preview the new hard top prototype that he is working on. Three photos are now online at ZPARTS.COM in the TomaHawk Z Showcase section of the new prototype lightly set into place on Vincent's Tomahawk for a photo session and to give all owners a sense of Rory's concept.


Dan Juday, a well known Hybridz'er, dropped by to take a look and share in the experience and nice day. Popeye's chicken, Coronas galore and a high tech dart competition rounded out the day until dusk and then Vincent and I split for the Bay Area.


See the first photos at

web page


Sleek Z (aka Eric N)

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