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megasquirt tune troubles


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Just to make sure I understand this correctly... I set my trigger angle degree at 50 or 60 and check while cranking the car. On my timing light do I set it to 50 or 60 and line it up on the zero mark? Or should I set my timing light to 0 and line it up to 0.


Thanks again for the help


You'll want to move the dial around until the timing mark lines up with 0°. If your dial isn't on 0, then you'll need to adjust your trigger angle until it reads 0 on your gun and on the pulley.

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Okay, so your saying that I need to leave my gun on zero and just rotate my distributor until the mark lines up on zero as well. This is assuming that I leave my trigger angle at 60.


Thanks again for your help, the car idles smooth and everything but I can tell that the timing isn't correct..

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Well you can try that, but it might not be enough and could cause phasing problems with your rotor and cap. You should really make sure it's in the normal position and then figure out your trigger angle from there.

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