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Rubber stuff all over the floor panels

Guest Zachb55

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Guest Zachb55

There are these rubber, look factory installed, sheets on the floor. I think they are sound/vibration deadening materials. My question is, Should I remove these if I plan on repainting the interior and treating it for rust then replace them or should I just get them cleaned up in-place and paint them, my problem is, while using Laquer thinner, and soon to be using a stronger stripper, it just makes a big black mess all over the place twak.gif while removing the glue from the interior of my car.


Please help!!!, what am i to do?




Z Conversions

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Guest Anonymous

Zach, I see you are from Washington State. If you do not have floor board rust there should be no need to take up the tar insulation on the floorboards to treat the metal. There is a thread on this site at this moment on removing the tar (maybe under additional topics page). I did my trunk with an air hammer (chisel) equipped with a wide blade chisel.I was removing brackets in the trunk with the air tool and found the tar sheets came off in a hurry with the air tool. You have an interesting site. Are you doing the 250 conversion. I have a rebody kit from Blue Ray Engineering (Stable Autoworks) but I can't seem to find the time (after about 6 years of procratination) but my Tomahawk Z project is progressing faster than my budget allows..

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Guest Zachb55

i am very interested in doing a 250 conversion, did you wanna get it off of your hands because there maybe be a way for me to buy it, even though I dont really have money for it right now i may be able to get a loan or something of that matter.

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Guest Anonymous

Can't sell one of my dreams. If I cannot get to sleep at night, I count GTO's until oblivian.I consider the 250 styling the ultimate in beauty and figure those rebody's are actually a little prettier than the original. The Zee was obviously copied after the GTO.

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Hi Zach, T Zee is right those tar floor covers come up pretty nice with an air chisel. I set mine on a low setting and went to work. I was surprised at the amount of the rust I found lurking under some this stuff. Over the years it actually separated from the floor pan enough to let water get trapped underneath in places.

I also used a hammer and a big paint scraper when I first started this job and it worked fairly well though not as quickly as the air tool. BTW make sure you wear safety glasses while doing this. I would be blind in one eye right now if I hadn't been wearing them. A piece of this stuff flew at my face so fast I thought it was going to break my safety glasses! Good luck on your project. :D

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Guest Zachb55

thanks for the info guys, i did read that earlier post and i thought, well that sounds like my scenario but the stuff on my floorpans kinda just peels right off, well maybe not right off, but doesnt seem like it would shatter, im guessing its cause all the laquer thinner ive been pouring on it to get the carpet glue off. And i hear you about the GTO kit, i think if i ever get the money saved up to buy one, theres no way i could part from such a beautiful piece of craftsmanship... hail.gif






Z Conversions


Oh yeah, i hope you like the site, geocities just changed their policies around so i cant use frontpage on their cheapo (free) membership anymore... so when my parents get back from Las Vegas im gonna go all out with it rockon.gif .

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